Monday, July 11, 2011

Welcome to the Lost Sox Puppet Slam blog

My name is Terrence Burke, I am the puppeteer "beneath" the Wump Mucket Puppets.  I helped launch the very first puppet slam in the Cincinnati area with friends and members of the Cincinnati Area Puppetry Guild way back in April 2003 at the Monmouth Theatre in Newport, Kentucky.   I feel that there is a demand for adult themed puppetry in Cincinnati, and think that the time is right (again) to let the puppets slam late into the night.

This blog will focus on the Lost Sox Puppet Slam, it's progress, promotion, and eventual demise...only joking.  I hope that many adult puppet fans will find their way to a Lost Sox Puppet Slam.

Now, what's a "puppet slam"?  A puppet slam is an adult puppet show made up of short puppet plays or skits that are not appropriate for younger audiences.  The material in the performances may include political satire, "naughty" words, experimental puppetry, and to put it simply, this ain't no kid's puppet show!

Still with us? 

Good.  Each puppeteer is providing their own material to perform.  I act only as the curator of Lost Sox Puppet Slam.  The following puppeteers have agreed to perform at the slam:  Linda Mason, Jesse Mooney-Bullock, Steve Sunderland, and Terrence Burke.

Four puppeteers seems like a rather short show, don't you agree?  This is where the Lost Sox Puppet Slam needs YOUR help.  We could use a few more puppeteers to offer our rabid puppet starved audience a night that they may or may not remember, depending on what they are drinking the night of the puppet slam.
If you have any interest in performing a puppet act in front of an audience that will probably be so drunk that they will never remember your grand debut, get in touch with me right now! 
 Honest gang, puppet slams are more of a lowbrow event that is just for fun and not meant to be cultured.  These puppets have spoiled and smell funny.

I plan to have a very loud ROCK band play a few songs between puppet acts.  If you have a friend that is in a local band that leans heavily towards the punk/indie rock side, and gets along with puppets, have them contact me so we can get the puppets slammin'. 

For more info about puppet slams around the country I suggest that you look at

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